New ways to work: Changes on the tourism labour market

Session in The 26th Nordic Symposium of Tourism and Hospitality Research

In a world where technology drives the digital innovation pace almost all businesses has to adopt to new requisites. The tourism industry is becoming more consumer-driven, social media place an important role in marketing and the sharing economy is growing fast, factors that all influence the tourism labour market.  

From the employers’ perspective new technology creates new ways to recruit staff, requires specific knowledge for new types of positions, new ways of internal communication etc. From the employees’ perspective new technology requires ability to embrace technology in job assignments, new ways to search for employment, new ways to communicate with fellow employees etc.

This session aims to put light on the changing tourism labour market as a result of digital transformation. This session invites papers exploring the structure of, and workers relation to, the tourism labour market as influenced by new technology. Papers may address, but are not limited to, the following topics:

  • Recruitment strategies
  • Sharing economy
  • New work tasks
  • Changing working conditions
  • Job satisfaction
  • Labour mobility
  • Inequalities 

Maria Thulemark
Dalarna University

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