Engineer Pool - New Form of Collaboration Between the University and Businesses

Ahead of graduation, students are often interested in making contacts with companies. At the same time, companies often have projects that need to be developed. The Engineer Pool matches these needs, selecting students with the competence the company requires so that the project can get underway.

Man wearing glasses sitting in front of a painting

In Dalarna, there are around 800 engineering and technology companies. Many of these have work assignments or projects that they need to get underway. The company may not have all the resources required in terms of both equipment and competence - it could even be the case that the assignment or project in question has not been prioritised highly enough within the company.

The Engineer Pool has been developed so as to match the requirements of specific companies with an ambitious student.

See Engineer Pool - Collaboration (webpage).

"In brief, the company in question describes the idea or project and its needs, and emails this information to the Engineer Pool Managerial Team," explains Patrick Kenger, Faculty Director for the University's engineering and technology programmes. "The team assesses the requirements and contacts one or more students who have the right competence. There are already 35 students in the Engineer Pool, despite the fact it has only just been established."

The Engineer Pool is yet a further way for the University to collaborate with regional business and industry. The companies receive help to work on something they may not have had time for nor perhaps the required competence at the same time as students are able to meet future potential employers.

"There's been great interest in the Engineer Pool from both companies and students despite us not really having got off the ground," explains Patrik Kenger. "From the perspective of the students, I believe that we can make studying to become an engineer even more attractive. The pool provides a real opportunity for students to work with real work assignments at the same time as they can earn a bit of extra money."

"There is a great need for competence within the industry I represent, the construction and property branch," explains Åke Persson, Head of Byggdialog Dalarna. Our role in the collaboration with the Engineer Pool is to act as contact between about 120 companies and the University. I believe the Pool can - both in the short- and long-term - help to meet the competency needs that exist. I feel it to be a very positive form of collaboration."

"For us at the University, the pool has many positives. The contact with companies means that we can spot comptency needs and get indications about what sorts of problems need solving, which can help provide input when it comes to new courses and can also affect the content and set-up of our courses. As I see things, everyone is a winner - students, companies, and the educational institute," concludes Patrick Kenger.

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