Study Trip to the Scandinavian Mountains

January was once again the month for students and teachers from the Tourism Destination Development Programme to make their annual trip to SITE Destination.

The trip was made possible through financial assistance from The Centre for Tourism and Leisure Research (CeTLeR) at Dalarna University, SITE Project, Kläppen Ski Resort, SkiStar-Experium, Visit Idre, Visit Trysil, Vasaloppet and Engerdal Fjellstyre.

SITE Destination is an Interreg project aimed at making the southern mountain range in Sweden (Malung-Sälen and Älvdalen) and Norway (Trysil and Engerdal) sustainable and competitive in an international market. During the trip, students had the opportunity to visit and experience the tourist product, and to talk to tourist enterprises and destination management organizations. They also were given opportunity to discuss sustainability plans and prospects for domestic and international tourism in the area.

As a follow-up to the trip, students will work on their suggestions for SITE destination to develop a sustainable tourism product.

Find out more about CeTLeR at Dalarna University.

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